Rome – Assisted fertilization in 23 authorized centers
The September 16 the regional government has approved the resolution by which the rules are defined For the provision of medically assisted fertilization services in the centers of the Lazio Region. The act follows the canvas established by the State-Region Conference and traces the model adopted by the Tuscany Region. Regarding heterologous and homologous cycles, the resolution says that in order to be paid for by the regional health service, the maximum age of the woman must be 43 years old While there are three cycles that can be performed in public facilities.
“In the measure we adopted – explains Lazio Region President Nicola Zingaretti – it is deliberately not indicated the level of cost-sharing to be borne by citizens because in these hours the interregional technical group is discussing it in Rome at the headquarters of the Veneto Region with the aim of arriving at a single proposal valid in all regions and avoid the tariff chaos that is occurring. I thought it wiser to wait than to fuel confusion.“
By the end of the year, Lazio’s Pma network, both public and private, will in any case work within a context of transparent and safe rules, equal for all. In fact, the procedures to verify the necessary requirements for accreditation coordinated by Commissioner Corrado Melega and conducted in collaboration with the National Transplant Center are now in the home stretch.
Out of a pool of 48 centers, many were those that had registered with the Higher Institute of Health, only 23 were found to meet the requirements, as ascertained by the technicians of the National Transplant Center in charge of the investigation. Seven are public centers, 16 private. Two of these active in Sora and Frosinone have already been given the green light; two, despite being eligible, have dropped out.
So at the end of the inquiry, there will be 21 operational centers.
Currently, the only public Pma center in operation in Rome is that of the S. Anna. The structure of the S. Filippo Neri will be reopened soon as the fire certificate issue is being resolved, same goes for Pertini. For the centers in S.Camillo, Gemelli, S. Maria Goretti in Latina, and Policlinico Umberto I, the authorization procedures are now defined.
“We thus close a phase of absolute uncertainty, and real chaos, that lasted for years – says Zingaretti – returning a system of centers that can give women and families quality care in total safety. Lazio is once again, even in this field, a region at the forefront, more civilized and humane.“