Rome – Recognizing hospital garrisons in Amatrice and Acquapendente
“The Lazio Region has officially asked the Ministry of Health, in a letter sent by the Regional Health Directorate, for an opinion with respect to the willingness to grant the facilities in Acquapendente and Amatrice the status of hospital garrisons in disadvantaged areas.
The request stems from the finding that both principals meet the requirements of the regulation on quality standards for hospital care approved by the State-Regions Conference on Aug. 5.”
This was stated in a note by the Lazio Region.
In the letter, the offices of the Regional Health Directorate explain that “in order to complete by the expected deadline of the end of September the work of drafting the technical document to be attached to the decree of reorganization of the hospital network, we ask for an opinion about the recognition, within the new act, of the two facilities of Acquapendete and Amatrice as hospital garrisons of particularly disadvantaged areas. The two facilities – specifies the region – due to their geographical location and travel time to the two referral Dea, Belcolle in Viterbo and S. Camillo De Lellis of Rieti, exceeding 90 minutes, they meet the requirements contained in the regulation.“
“This choice could not have been adopted previously – it is stressed in the letter from the region – because on the date of approval of the 2013/15 operational programs, the standards document had not yet been approved.”