Devted a myth that drinking water in abundance supply benefits to health
Drinking eight glasses at least (the equivalent of about 2/2.5 liters of water per day) is one of the most common advice to follow if you want to stay in shape and be healthy. This tells us numerous sites and sources of information, which base their theories on authoritative opinions of doctors and nutritionists. Yet not everyone is d ’ agreement: in an article published on the American College of Sports Medicine, it is written that drinking eight glasses of the water a day would be one of the greatest false myths on health, and that it is Better “ listen to the thirst ”. According to the Research Author, the DR. Ramon Julian Pesigan “ if you are thirsty, drink water.
If you are not thirsty, don’t drink.” The water requirement depends on your body and physical fitness.” “ a subject with heart failure could literally drown if it drinks more than 1.5 liters per day ”. “ and if you are a football player, you need to drink much more for lost liquids ”. Researchers reassure: “ the body is intelligent. He will keep the fluids he needs and get rid of those who must expel. ” Pesigan does not deny that humans have a daily water requirement that stands around 2/2.5 liters, but wants to remember that a large part of the liquids we need is already contained in the foods that we ingest.
It is said that drinking a lot of water remain young and healthy the organism, help the kidneys and keep the skin hydrated. Often the water is also used as a remedy for a series of problems, from tiredness, to headache, to the sense of hunger. According to the researchers, however, we take a lot of water also thanks to foods, and not c ’ it is no scientific evidence that demonstrates the real effectiveness of drinking more than necessary. Finally, if you have a doubt about the amount of water that you drink the day, look at your urine.
It should be of a pale yellow color. If it is too dark, it is a sign that you are dehydrated. However, if the American professor warns not to drink too much, be careful not to drink too little, especially d ’ summer or when practicing sports activities. Science, in fact, has never experienced the positive sides of drinking a lot of water, on the other hand it has widely demonstrated the dangers and risks of dehydration.
In light of this further study, for Giovanni D’Agata, president of the “Rights Desk”, which confirms the fact that drinking water in abundance does not bring health benefits, the time has come to say enough with the advertising campaigns that tend to make it believe to sell mineral waters.