Naples, site of the 7th International Congress on Infantile Deafness
In Naples, Nov. 16-18, the elite of international pediatric otosurgery will discuss the topic of childhood deafness, the importance of early diagnosis and the surgical treatment of deafness.
It will be held, in fact at the Excelsior Hotel, from Thursday to Saturday, the VII International Symposium on Childhood Deafness , organized by the UOSD of Prosthetic Surgery of Deafness at the Santobono Pausilipon Hospital in Naples, Italy, Regional Reference Center for Cochlear Implants and Audiological Diagnostics (Resolution G.R. n. 662 of 5/19/2006).
The important scientific event will enjoy the patronage of the Mediterranean Society of Otology and Audiology (MSOA), the Politzer Society, the European Academy of Otology and Neuro-Otology (EAONO) and SIOP, the Italian Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology. President and scientific coordinator of the Congress, Dr. Antonio della Volpe, Head of the UOSD of Prosthetic Surgery of Childhood Deafness at the Naples Children’s Hospital.
Participating in the congress as speakers will be internationally renowned otochirists who will discuss the main theme of this important event. They will discuss the most advanced surgical techniques in childhood deafness, state-of-the-art devices, bilateral implants, rehabilitation of the implanted child.
“In particular- states the Dr. Antonio della Volpe – the diagnostic and therapeutic problems inherent in childhood deafness in its complexity will be addressed; both neurosensory forms, the importance of early screening and prosthetic therapy, but also forms with inflammatory-infective etiology will be discussed, and therapeutic problems will also be addressed in the light of recent guidelines published both in Italy and abroad.”