Ostia – Anffas Ostia in support of national Anffas Onlus
Anffas Ostia Onlus in support of and in coordinated action with Anffas Onlus, intervenes in emphasize position on health issues, disability and autism spectrum disorders, carried out thanks to the work done by the association’s national group of more than 100 members throughout Italy among families, members and experts in the field.
“In a complex and fragmented context as that which gravitates around people with autism spectrum disorders and their families – explains the president by Anffas Onlus, Roberto Speziale – Anffas wishes to take a strong and precise position because of the risk these people run of seeing a instrumentalized their own instances, to be penalized by the fragmentation of representation and interventions, and by the danger that the focus will shift definitively and unequivocally from the person to the disease, with a leap backward within a model that with all our strength for years we have been trying to definitively archive, along with the discrimination that this has caused and still causes to people with disabilities.“
With the Anffas national project, Autismi 2.0, of which Anffas Ostia is an active part as a specialized reference experience in Lazio now since as far back as 2007, aims to make concrete reflections and principles contained in the document.
“Anffas Ostia Onlus – stresses Francesco Cesarino, medical director of Anffas Ostia Onlus association that has been carrying out a revolutionary project on autism – fully agrees with the document of Anffas Onlus. Our goals are municipalities, the battle against what some researchers call a veritable epidemic must rest on certain inescapable rules: more resources human and economic resources and therefore greater commitment on the part of the institutions both in the field of research and in the diagnostic field so that diagnosis is as early as possible; continuous training of operators, medical specialists, psychologists, educators, specialized in the treatment of autism spectrum disorders who work in multidisciplinary teams; use of methodologies of approach, of therapeutic interventions, which have scientific validity and proven effectiveness; constant monitoring of outcomes. This method is even more important when considering that therapeutic intervention must be personalized because there is no such thing as autism but the autistic child.
Each of them is different from the’other just as different are the family and environmental situations on which action must always be taken. Another central point is the’commitment of Anffas Onlus and ours to reason, as indicated in the document from a life-cycle perspective guaranteeing also to those with autism over 18 years of age the recognition of their needs and the right to be a ‘person’.“
“Anffas Ostia Onlus – say the president of the association Ilde Plateroti and the director general Stefano Galloni – will carry on with the families and people we care for and take care of, the results of Autism 2.0 improving the current project that has been underway for years, of which we remember the 10 thousand faxes to then President Polverini so that she would be prevented from snatching such activity from the association. A project defined by all, at the regional level, of excellence, because it is based on People and not on “rates”. It is regrettable that precisely the association’s very high innovation and specialization have often become a discriminating element, especially in public tenders for the provision of services for people with disabilities in Rome, because they are opposed by that micro-macro world that yearns to be able to provide services, as, moreover, it already does privately and outside of scientific and clinical pathways of comprehensive care even ex art.
26. We are waiting for the new autism project of Anffas Ostia to be renewed as soon as possible.”